Berry Alloc - French made

Berry Alloc French made

RRP: $130 | Sales Price: $80

Berry Alloc - French made saga oak

Saga XL Oak Belleville

Made in France

Dimensions: 1980 x 187 x 14/3.3mm

6 planks / 2.22sqm

30 years warranty


The parquet is impregnated with a top quality

oil to nourish the material and reinforce the


There is a reason for BerryAlloc wood floors to be guaranteed 30

years. They are made to last, to a very high standard in the heart

of the Tronçais forest, in Auvergne. This responsible manufacturing

made in the respect of environment, takes into account local economy

while focusing on the quality of a Made in France expertise.

An internationally recognized quality which symbolizes work well

done, expertise and love of wood, passed down from generation

to generation. The BerryAlloc wood floors fit both into this tradition

and into fashion. On the one hand, there is the very rigorous

selection of raw materials. On the other, a revolutionary installation

system, the Best Loc Xtreme, without hammer or glue, which

enables a secure lock. The BerryAlloc wood floors benefit from the

PEFCTM certification, A+ certification and the Parquets de France label.

This is more than a sign of recognition. It provides the guarantee

of sustainably managed forests, limited transportation and implies

the respect of the health of the consumers we are. It is a guarantee of

security and quality for a citizen option.

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